II. Your Kingdom

YOUR Kingdom come, YOUR will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.

–Matthew 6:10

 Your Kingdom meaning: rule & reign
In this prayer Jesus speaks of his desire to do his fathers will, it is a prayer that has lost none of its relevance or power through the ages. I’m sure, like me, you remember reciting these words in a school assembly or meeting at some point in your life. They are lines that we can repeat with such ease, but hold such significance to our life every day. It represents the daily battle that rages within all of us, to live either for self or a greater cause.

In asking Father God, “Your Kingdom come”, we are agreeing to see His rule and
reign in our own lives – to put Him first.  The opportunity we have at the start of each day is to say “Today, let Your rule and reign start in me”. Most of us start the day ruled by the events and tasks that our diaries hold, obviously a fruitful life will be an organised life. The key, however, is to exercise your ability to say, in everything I have planned for this day let YOUR kingdom come. In Luke 22: 42 we read Jesus saying “Not my will but yours he said“. This week gives us all a fresh opportunity to create a new habit that would say, “today in me let your rule and reign be present”

When we can understand the significance of this declaration it will mean, no matter what you face, you are simply asking for God’s purposes to be outworked in your own life. While we can pray to see his rule and reign on earth, I believe it has to start within us individually. Just imagine a Church of a thousand in Chesterfield that lives with this prayer as there life motto.

Prayer for myself – Lord God, today I put YOUR plans and purposes for my life as my
 starting point.
Prayer for our church – God give us the courage as a church to go where You are asking us to.