I. Our Father

Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name

–Matthew 6:9

Sometimes, prayer can be hard. Where do I start?  What do I say? Am I saying the wrong things?

Jesus knew that these are questions we would all ask, therefore in the Lord’s prayer He provides a pattern, a guide, that we can follow during our time talking to Him.

The Lord’s prayer starts in such a wonderfully powerful way… “Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name”.

Starting with the words “Our Father”, Jesus reminds us that we have direct access to Father God when we spend time in prayer to Him.

We are so privileged to be able to do this. In the Old Testament there were rules and rituals that needed to be observed, and only a chosen few were allowed to access the holy of holies (the presence of God). Through His sacrifice, Jesus made a way for us all to freely access our Father in heaven. He created a new covenant which means that we can have a personal relationship with the Creator of heaven and earth – so amazing!!

Hallowed be your name” is a direct acknowledgement of the majesty and highest place that God holds over all. However, just like a loving father who answers the phone call of his child that needs to talk him, Father God is interested in you and is waiting for you to speak to Him. Another life changing truth running parallel to this is that He wants to speak back to you too.

Prayer for myself –  Father God, thank you that whilst You are seated above all of heaven and earth, you are interested in me, waiting for my call, waiting for me to speak to you. Today, I thank you that you are always there. I thank you for the relationship you want to have with me.

Prayer for our church –  As I call out to you today I will wait to hear what you are saying, not just to me but to other people in our church.